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发表于 2023-11-30 13:23:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that your SEO agency must absolutely include in your package: SEO audit Keyword research Content writing Content translation (if necessary) Acquisition of external links (back links) Intervention on your website methods to choose your SEO agency Not all SEO agencies are willing or able to offer all of the above services. You will probably have the same problem with a freelancer. So they will either tell you that they don't do it or outsource it to external companies. Outsourcing isn't necessarily a bad thing, but your SEO agency should tell you what they outsource and what they do in-house . In fact, you pay your SEO agency to represent (in part) your company on the Web and it must demonstrate a certain transparency in its practices .

So don't hesitate to ask her directly about the tasks she outsources or not. At My Little Big Web, for example, we have a zero subcontracting policy, which sets us apart from many SEO agencies in Montreal. You must also find out about the right of review that you have over the content written, the performance reports that  Phone Number List you will receive (if the agency offers them) as well as the waiting time before obtaining the first results. A serious SEO agency should be able to give you an idea of ​​when you will start to see the first results. 2.5. CHOOSE YOUR SEO AGENCY ACCORDING TO ITS LEVEL OF TRANSPARENCY It goes without saying that it is important to choose an SEO agency that is transparent with its clients .

Moreover, this does not only concern web marketing agencies, but all businesses in general. You cannot be good at everything or always offer all the services that customers expect. We ourselves have been able to evolve over time and expand our teams and their digital skills to offer additional services, but in the meantime, we have always wanted to tell our customers the truth about our limits . The transparency that a good SEO agency must have also comes from sharing its working methods. Indeed, your agency must not hide its tools or its methodology for fear that its client decides to continue the work on their own or entrust the mandate to another team of SEO experts.


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